Sunday, October 19, 2008

Too tired

I haven't been blogging very much lately mainly due to tiredness. Everytime I get a few moments to blog, it's too hard to engage the brain. Elisha has become quite a challenging baby again of late. He doesn't seem to cope very well with teeth or sickness. (I think I was very spoilt with Caelan). So the last couple of weeks, Elisha has been waking a minimum of 3 times in the night - up to every hour or two when he was pushing his third tooth through. I think now he is just in a bad habit after waking cause of his teeth.

He is also fighting his day sleeps as well. So even now, this post is kinda forced. Too tired to really think about what to write.

How is it that two small beings can suck so much energy out of two fully grown adults in the last 2-3hours of the day?

For those that are wondering, Lishi's ear is fine. The tear was probably not as deep as I originally thought and baby's heal fast!

1 comment:

Rachel said...

Ah yes our friend tiredness! :) Hope you get a good nights sleep (or at least a few hours straight!) soon. Glad to hear Elisha's ear has healed. It sounded like a scary event! Must call you soon and tee up a time to catch up.