Saturday, January 9, 2010

Judah Ryker

2-3 weeks

5 weeks

I was going to write about the whole family and what we are up to and what we did in 2009 but I fear that is too big a task for someone who doesn't get much block time to write!! So I thought I would do individual posts of us all, starting with the youngest.

Judah has grown a lot (needless to say) since my last post! He is now 12 weeks old. It really has gone incredibly fast. People always ask the ridiculous question 'is he a good baby?' My answer, 'He's a baby!' He cries, he feeds regularly, he smiles, he sleeps - sometimes soundly and sometimes not so soundly! He kicks around, watches the goings on around him.

8 weeks

We are still not in any sort of routine yet - my experience is that doesn't really kick in until they drop some sleeps and start on solids. However, he has always been pretty good at night (bar night 4 & 5). He fed regularly at night (every 2-3hrs) in the beginning which was hard, but slept between feeds and usually was easy to settle. He went to 3-4hrs at night after awhile and now will often settle for the night between 7-8pm and feed between 12-1am and then between 4-5am. So pretty good all round. He has even thrown in a few 'sleep throughs' just to get my hopes up!! But they don't seem to hang around for too long.

Daytime sleeps are a completely different story and each day is unique. Some days he sleeps really well (2-3 long sleeps) and other days I spend half the day trying to get him to go to sleep, so he ends up with only one long sleep in the afternoon. There are days when I feel like I don't get anything done at all!!

Christmas Day


Some things about Judah:
  • He smiled at 2weeks and hasn't really stopped smiling since
  • He is batting at hanging toys with his fist and focusing on some toys.
  • Like most bubs, is loving close face contact and it produces a mulitude of smiles, a little laughter and much cooing, gooing and gaaing!
  • He is very happy in his rocker just looking around and watching his brothers play.
  • He recognises his brothers, particularly Caelan, who gives him a lot of attention.
  • He has dimples (no one else in the family or extended family does!), the right more pronounced than the left.
  • He is a pretty happy kid on the whole.
  • At 8 weeks weighed 6.1kg and 62cm long (90 percentile). Early indications are he might be the youngest but definately won't be the smallest!
  • He is in 00 clothing and chubbing up fast.
  • He vomits a lot, although it is starting to lessen now.
  • He has very good neck control (has done since birth)
  • When he gets overtired he doesn't feed well.
  • He doesn't like sleeping while out and about. Rarely sleeps in the car and doesn't like to sleep in the pram. So this is quite frustrating if I want to go out for the day.
  • Loves to be cuddled/rocked to sleep with his dummy.
  • Loves to be wrapped (tricky on the really hot days).
  • Transitioned from the bassinet to the cot (at least for night time), this last week.
  • Just like his brothers he last long, thick eyelashes.
  • I think he is stunning and gorgeous (but I am his mother!!)
  • We all love him very much!
All three at similar ages:


