Wednesday, July 2, 2008


I didn't really have any expectations about what Caelan's and Elisha's relationship would look like at this stage. If I had given it any thought, I probably wouldn't have expected much - maybe some love and affection from Caelan but not that much from Elisha at 5months. How wrong I might have been!

I am astounded everyday at the relationship which is already alive and well between the two brothers. Caelan adores Elisha. He usually wakes up earlier than Elisha and says to me 'bubba wake?' I say 'No, bubba's asleep.' As soon as he hears Elisha, he runs into his room to greet him into the day. He smothers him with love and affection - always wanting to touch him, cuddle him, kiss him, teach him, roll on him, jump on him and of course - take his toys away! The other day Caelan was showing Elisha how to draw. He brought him some paper, which he placed on Elisha's lap and then put a pencil in his hand and moved his hand over the paper to draw. He has started wanting to read books to Elisha. I am told to sit Elisha up on the lounge so Caelan can look at a book with him.

Yesterday, Caelan stayed the night at his grandparents. In the morning he asked my mum 'Sha work?' Of course, work to Caelan is when you are absent from the home, so Elisha was clearly at work! When the two brothers were reunited at the end of the day, Caelan was estatic.

This is no one way relationship. Elisha adores his older brother. He watches him so closely. Elisha's face lights up in a special way whenever Caelan is around. Caelan does not have to work very hard to get a smile or laugh from Elisha. Caelan can do little wrong in Elisha's eyes. Even when Caelan is rolling over the top of him, Elisha thinks it is hilarious. How true is the saying in this instance 'It's all fun and games until someone loses an eye!'

I never expected to be so delighted in observing this precious relationship which cannot really be expressed in words. How I pray that this would continue as they grow together. I pray that 'macho' manhood would never be a substitute for the love that God instills in siblings at such an early age.

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