Thursday, June 12, 2008

We finally made it!

After months of saying that I would get to a local playgroup - we finally made it! It has been hard to get out of the house for the last few months but I finally bit the bullet and decided to go. I nearly didn't go, when Elisha decided not to have a morning sleep, but I was determined that nothing was going to stop me.

It isn't easy forcing yourself to do something that is out of your comfort zone. I really want to make some local contacts and build some good relationships with other mums in the area... but it is hard work. It's hard to go alone to something when you don't know anyone else. But then again, I did drag two kids along with me and that makes things a bit easier. Kids are an easy subject of conversation, and you can hide behind them when conversation is lacking or when you are just plain standing on your own. I am sure many of you know what I mean. Suddenly you need to check on your baby, or the pram needs rocking so that you are 'doing' something. Or you son 'needs' you to help him build blocks or a train track.

It seems like a great group. There are 17 adults (each with one or two if not three kids), so plenty of people to get to know. People were reasonably friendly - once I had introduced myself. What is it about human beings, that we are so reluctant to make others feel welcome?I tried to introduce myself to most of the other mums in the room, but no one initiated it with me. Is it that people are too involved in their own activities that they don't even notice you? Or is there just not enough care to take a small step and say hi.... Anyway, I enjoyed the morning nonetheless. Caelan had a ball running around the hall and for once, there were more boys than girls!

God also surprised me with one other thing that morning. One of our neighbours goes to that exact same playgroup with her 2year old daughter! I have chatted to her a few times, but she is quite shy and the family keeps to themselves. Our other set of neighbours are very friendly so we generally pour more energy into that relationship. So by taking me along to this playgroup (which was a completely random choice off the internet), God was telling me that there is more growing to do with this family next door and not to give up so soon!

So bring on Wednesday mornings!!

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