Friday, August 8, 2008

Definately a boy!

Warning: the following content contains toilet humour.

Our two and a bit year old has just proved to us that he definately has the boy sense of humour! That's right... toilet humour. Of course, if your girl is like this, then please inform me otherwise!

Last night, Adriaan and I were tucking Caelan in bed. We normally say prayers and sing "Jesus loves you". As soon Caelan lay his head on his pillow he eagerly asked for prayers. This is a bit unusual. We closed our eyes and Adriaan said, 'Dear Jesus,'. In perfect timing, Caelan let one rip. All three of us burst out into laughter. Caelan thought it was the best joke ever and couldn't contain himself. Three times Adriaan tried to pray, and each time only got as far as Dear Jesus before Caelan would push out another 'blurt' (it's always hard to know what to call them).

Finally, Caelan ran out of puff and Adriaan only said a quick prayer before Caelan succeeded in having us all in fits of laughter again. I know G0d would have appreciated the joke.

The scary thing is, I am sure that Caelan had this all planned. He was a little too eager to say prayers, close his eyes and be quiet. He normally isn't that co-operative. Here's hoping this doesn't become part of the bedtime routine.

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